Push-Up: A Complete Guide

Today we will review the push-up , a fantastic exercise that trains the chest , shoulders and triceps . Push-ups are a basic bodyweight exercise that can be performed anywhere and are ideal for building upper body strength.

Correct technique and execution

Follow these steps to make sure you're doing push-ups with proper form:

  1. Starting position: Lie face down on the floor with your hands placed slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Keep your feet together and support your body on your toes.
  2. Body position: Keep your body straight, like a plank position, from head to heels. Avoid letting your hips sink down or stick up.
  3. Lowering: Lower the body in a controlled manner towards the floor by bending the elbows. Keep your elbows at a 45 degree angle to your body to avoid shoulder strain.
  4. Lifting: Push the body back up by extending the elbows. Make sure to keep your body in a straight line throughout.

Common errors

Here are some common mistakes that can occur during push-ups and how to avoid them:

  • Flaws: Flaring the elbows. A common mistake is letting your elbows point out at a 90 degree angle. This can strain the shoulders unnecessarily. Solution: Keep your elbows at around 45 degrees from your body.
  • Fault: Hips drop. When your hips drop, you lose stability and the effectiveness of the exercise. Solution: Tighten your core muscles to keep your body as straight as a plank.
  • Fault: Poor hand placement. The hands are placed too wide or too narrow. Solution: Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width to activate the chest optimally.

Form cues

To perfect the technique, use these visual and verbal form tips:

  • Keep your core engaged: Engage your abs to maintain a stable plank position throughout.
  • Keep your head neutral: Look slightly ahead, not straight down, to maintain proper neck position.
  • Push through your hands: Imagine pushing the ground away from you when you push your body back up.

Modifications and variations

If regular push-ups are too challenging, you can try these modifications:

  • Knee push-ups: Start in a push-up position, but lower your knees to the floor. This reduces the weight you lift, but still allows you to train your chest and arms effectively.
  • Incline push-ups: Place your hands on an elevated surface such as a bench or stairs. This makes the exercise easier than at ground level.
  • Decline push-ups: Increase the difficulty by placing your feet on an elevated surface. This increases the load on the shoulders and upper chest.

Number of sets and repetitions

Depending on your fitness level , you can aim for:

  • Beginners: 3 sets of 5-10 repetitions.
  • Advanced: 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.
  • Advanced: 4 sets of 20 or more repetitions.

Breathing technique

To get the most out of push-ups, follow this breathing technique:

  • Breathe in as you lower your body towards the floor.
  • Exhale as you push your body back up to the starting position.
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