Warrior One

Today we will perform Warrior I , also known as Virabhadrasana I , a powerful standing yoga exercise that strengthens the legs , hips and shoulders , while improving balance and flexibility. This position is great for developing full body strength while also opening the hips and chest.

Correct technique and execution

Follow these steps to perform Warrior I with proper technique:

  1. Start in a standing position (mountain position).
  2. Take a large step back with your left foot, and keep your right foot forward with the knee bent over the ankle.
  3. Turn the left foot slightly out to the side and press down on the heel.
  4. Raise your arms up to the ceiling, stretch your fingers and keep your shoulders down.
  5. Keep your hips straight forward and make sure you have a strong core.
  6. Breathe deeply and hold the position for 5-10 breaths before switching sides.

Make sure the weight is evenly distributed between both legs, and that you open your chest as you extend your arms upwards.

Common errors

Here are some common mistakes to avoid when performing Warrior I:

  • Improper hip alignment: Make sure your hips are pointed forward. Many twist their hips out to the side, which reduces the effect of the exercise.
  • Overextend the knees: Make sure that the leading knee does not go past the ankle. Keep the knee stable and in line with the ankle.
  • Lumbar collapse: Avoid swaying the lower back. Engage your core to keep your spine neutral.

Modifications and variations

If Warrior I feels challenging, or if you want to try different variations, you can do the following:

  • Support with blocks: If you struggle with balance, place yoga blocks under your hands for support.
  • Shorter step: To make it easier, take a shorter step back and decrease the depth of the squat.
  • Warrior I Backbend: For a more advanced variation, try bending back slightly while lifting your chest toward the ceiling.

Breathing technique

Breathe calmly and deeply through your nose while holding the position. Try to:

  • Inhale as you lift your arms up and stretch through your fingertips.
  • Exhale as you sink deeper into the pose and relax your shoulders.
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